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All About The Adrenal Mocktail

All About The Adrenal Mocktail

In honor of my first ever product: Minerals and Chill, I wanted to take some time to make a master FAQ since adrenal mocktails are very popular in niche wellness groups but not so much to the public! 

What are the adrenal glands & what is their function? 

They are small organs that sit on top of each kidney and are responsible for making different hormones like cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline and noradrenaline. They play an important role with how our bodies react to stress, manage blood sugar, balance electrolytes and even blood pressure! 

The adrenal glands are directed by the hypothalamus, a small part of the brain that controls hormones. The glands work in tandem with other endocrine system elements like the kidneys, pituitary gland and sympathetic nervous system to help the body bounce back from stressors, fight off foreign invaders, metabolize food for energy, and reproduce, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

So what is Adrenal Fatigue or HPA Axis Dysfunction?

Since the adrenal glands help manage our stress response and "fight or flight" - it can become very taxing on the adrenals when we are chronically stressed. If you experience chronic stress for an extended period of time – your body may start to struggle to make the hormones it needs to keep that stress under control. This process also takes up a lot of minerals which can cause depletion. Some common symptoms can look like: 

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Headaches
  • Constant need for caffeine
  • Body aches
  • Trouble Sleeping/ "Wired & Tired"
  • Mood Swings/Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Cravings for very sweet or very salty foods
  • Light headedness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Digestive issues/ Sluggish Digestion
  • Imbalanced Cortisol
  • Waking Up Exhausted

What is the Adrenal Mocktail? 

It contains 3 main components that help replenish minerals/nutrients depleted by stress:

  • Vitamin C: During periods of stress, the body's demand for vitamin C may increase. Vitamin C is involved in the production of adrenal hormones, including cortisol, and it may help modulate the body's stress response. Additionally, vitamin C supports the immune system and overall well-being
  • Sodium: In the context of adrenal health, sodium is included in adrenal cocktails to help support electrolyte balance. During periods of stress, there may be changes in fluid balance and electrolyte levels, and adequate sodium intake is important for maintaining hydration and overall physiological function.
  • Potassium: Adequate potassium intake is important for overall health and it may play a role in supporting adrenal function indirectly by helping maintain electrolyte balance. Imbalances in sodium and potassium levels can affect blood pressure and cellular function.

I added a 4th component in Minerals & Chill to benefit the adrenals even further and that is:

  • Magnesium Malate: Magnesium has been shown to support energy metabolism and reduce fatigue. It can also help with digestion, especially in those who struggle with gut issues due to stress.

You can make this by combining orange juice (or another high vitamin C juice), coconut water or cream of tartar for potassium & sea salt OR you can now use a powdered supplement like Minerals & Chill that's made with real food vitamin c, potassium without the coconut and unrefined sea salt and magnesium malate which is typically not found in the OG DIY adrenal cocktail. 

Some frequently asked questions about Minerals & Chill:

Does it replace an electrolyte?

Technically Minerals & Chill contains electrolytes. Electrolytes are considered "macro minerals" which are magnesium, sodium, potassium etc. They are depleted during exercise but also times of stress (physical, emotional, mental) so they play an important role for overall health. The Vitamin C is what really makes this different from a typical electrolyte supplement and more optimal for stress and adrenal support. You can swap out your electrolyte for this or incorporate both but always check with your practitioner when starting new supplements. 


    Is it pregnancy & breastfeeding safe?

    Typically yes - always check with your provider before starting new supplements! 

    Why is the drink pink?

    Our whole food vitamin C comes from acerola cherries which come in 2 colors, red and yellow. The ones we use are red so it appears pink in our drink.

    Does it contain caffeine?

    No. It is completely and naturally caffeine free. 

    When is the best time to take this? 

    Some people may experience better energy and focus after taking Minerals and Chill while others may not with this being said the recommended way to take it is before 3pm. I recommend testing it out and seeing how you feel! 

    Is there any sugar?

    No it is sweetened with monk fruit. 


    I will be updating this routinely for more questions and answers. 

    Minerals & Chill Stick Packs

    Live Healthillie

    Minerals & Chill Stick Packs

    Minerals & Chill is a powdered version of the conventional adrenal cocktail we know and love without the hassle! Now in a stick pack form with 20 servings! The adrenal glands play a crucial role in the body's stress response through the production of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Chronic stress can lead to imbalances in the HPA axis, potentially resulting in fatigue, mood swings, hair loss, PMS, low libido, irritability and more. Vitamin C: During periods of stress, the body's demand for vitamin C may increase. Vitamin C is involved in the production of adrenal hormones, including cortisol, and it may help modulate the body's stress response. Additionally, vitamin C supports the immune system and overall well-being Sodium: In the context of adrenal health, sodium is included in adrenal cocktails to help support electrolyte balance. During periods of stress, there may be changes in fluid balance and electrolyte levels, and adequate sodium intake is important for maintaining hydration and overall physiological function. Potassium: Adequate potassium intake is important for overall health, and it may play a role in supporting adrenal function indirectly by helping maintain electrolyte balance. Imbalances in sodium and potassium levels can affect blood pressure and cellular function. Magnesium Malate: Magnesium has been shown to support energy metabolism and reduce fatigue. It can also help with digestion, especially in those who struggle with gut issues due to stress. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. With any dietary supplement, consult with your healthcare practitioner before using.

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    by Iliriana Zeneli – March 29, 2024