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Sleep Better Naturally: Essential Products For a Restful Night

Sleep Better Naturally: Essential Products For a Restful Night

We live in an overstimulating world, and sleep often takes a backseat to our busy schedules and demanding lifestyles. Yet, the importance of sleep cannot be overstated, as most adults typically need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. 

However, getting enough hours of rest is not the only important element of sleep. The quality of our sleep also plays a crucial role in our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Achieving a good night’s sleep often requires a combination of good habits and the right products.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of sleep and highlight some key products that can help improve your sleep quality naturally.

The Importance of Sleep

We all know that sleep is crucial. It is a time for our bodies to repair and rejuvenate. During deep sleep stages, our bodies engage in tissue growth and muscle repair, immune system strengthening, among other vital tasks. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a weakened immune system, an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism and optimal physical performance.

Enhancing Your Sleep Quality

As mentioned above, achieving a good night's sleep often requires more than just going to bed at a reasonable hour. The products and environment can make a significant difference. Below are some products that can help enhance your sleep quality:


Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions. Among other benefits, magnesium promotes relaxation, regulates melatonin, and improves sleep quality. Magnesium is a low tox, natural way to improve sleep quality. 

At Live Healthillie, we are big fans of magnesium and recognize its power to help with sleep, calming the nervous system, and relaxation. Below are some of our favorite magnesium products for sleep:

Juna Nightcap Sleep Gummies: This product has 72 trace minerals and magnesium citrate to support neurotransmitter and hormone regulation which resets sleep-wake cycles and binds to (GABA) receptors in your body to produce calming effects.

The Wooden Spoon Herbs Magic Magnesium: The spirulina blue lemonade-flavored powder promotes a sense of calm and is a great addition to a mocktail before bed.

Truvani Magnesium Tablets: This supplement is formulated to help calm nervous system, promotes relaxation, and encourages a deep restful sleep.

Cymbiotika Topical Magnesium Oil: This topical spray is specifically formulated to absorb into the bloodstream within minutes, leaving no oily residue. 

If you are curious about the different types of magnesium, check out this blog post to discover which magnesium is right for you. 

Blackout Curtains

Light exposure can significantly disrupt your sleep. Blackout curtains are designed to block out external light, creating a dark environment for sleep. They are especially useful if you live in an area with streetlights or have an irregular sleep schedule.

White Noise Machines

Noise disturbances can be a barrier to restful sleep through the night. White noise machines produce a consistent sound that masks background noises, creating a soothing sleep environment. They can be particularly beneficial for light sleepers or those living in noisy neighborhoods.

Mouth Tape

Using mouth tape when sleeping can be a a beneficial way to get a more restful sleep. Mouth tape reduces snoring and drooling, as well as promotes nasal breathing, which is beneficial for a deep sleep. We love the Dryft Sleep Mouth Tape, which is a medical-grade, latex-free tape that is is delicate on sensitive skin and effective. 

Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets have recently gained popularity due to the way they provide a sense of security and reduce anxiety. The gentle pressure from the blanket can stimulate the release of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that promote relaxation and sleep. They are especially helpful for individuals that are having restless nights or difficulty falling asleep.

Establishing a Sleep-Friendly Routine

In addition to using the right products, establishing a consistent bedtime routine can greatly improve your sleep quality. Here are some tips:

Set a Regular Sleep Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This pattern helps to reinforce your body’s circadian rhythm, which helps bodily functions and cycles to operate optimally.

Create a Relaxing Pre-Sleep Routine: Engage in calming activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing meditation before bed. This will signal to your body that it is time to wind down.

Limit Screen Time: Avoid screens (such as on your phones, tablets, computers) for at least an hour before bed, as the blue light can interfere with melatonin production. You can also try wearing blue light glasses which filter out the disruptive light.

Reduce Caffeine: Consuming too much caffeine in the day can keep you overstimulated and awake. By avoiding consuming caffeine in the hours leading up to bedtime, you can minimize the risk of staying up.

Practice Journaling: Spending a few minutes reflecting on your day or jotting down your thoughts in a journal can help clear your mind and reduce racing thoughts. Mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, can also be a part of this process.

Adjust the Temperature: Maintaining an optimal sleeping temperature is crucial for good sleep. Products like breathable sheets and pillow cases made with natural fibers such as cotton or silk can help regulate your body temperature throughout the night. In addition, keeping the thermostat in your bedroom at a comfortable temperature is also important for sleep.

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. By using the right low tox products and prioritizing techniques to estanlish a nighttime routine, you set the stage for restful and effective night of sleep. Take the time to create a sleep-friendly environment and incorporate calming activities into your nightly ritual.

by Alex Aviza – July 12, 2024