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Minerals & Chill Orange Creamiscle Popsicles

Blogs – by Lauren Fitzpatrick

Minerals & Chill Orange Creamiscle Popsicles

Quench your thirst & sweet tooth with this delicious summer treat! Minerals & Chill Electrolyte Popsicles!   🍊Makes 6 Popsicles   Ingredients: 1 can of coconut milk 3 Tbsp honey (local is always best) 1-2 scoops of Minerals & Chill electrolytes (amount depends on how salty you wish it to be) 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract   Instructions: Peel the Orange and cut into slices In a high-speed blender blend all the ingredients besides the cut orange Place orange slice into popsicle molds followed by the mixture Freeze for about 4-6 Hours   Enjoy!

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5 Low Toxic Supplements for Overall Body Wellness

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

5 Low Toxic Supplements for Overall Body Wellness

The market is oversaturated with countless different supplements, many of which contain unnecessary fillers and additives. With so many different supplement options, it can be hard to choose what is best for you and your needs. For those seeking to maintain a low tox lifestyle and achieve certain health goals, choosing the right supplements is critical.  In this blog post, we have highlighted five of our favorite supplements that can help support common health goals. While supplements should never be the only solution to an imalanced diet, we know that they are powerful tools to help support our bodies with the right nutrients. All supplements found on Live Healthillie have clean, low tox ingredients without compromising on quality. Essential Supplements for Low Tox Living Multivitamin If you are looking for an overall supplement to fill potential nutritional gaps in your diet, a multivitamin may be what you need. A multivitamin is a dietary supplement that combines various vitamins and minerals in one convenient capsule. While it can be difficult to maintain a balanced diet, a multivitamin can help ensure that the body receives sufficient amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. Multivitamins can boost overall health by supporting various bodily functions, such as enhancing immune function and contributing to better energy levels. For those with specific health concerns or dietary restrictions — like those who eat plant-based or those with food allergies — multivitamins can be particularly beneficial, providing nutrients that might be lacking in their diets. LH Product Highlight: Truvani Organic Multivitamin We love Truvani’s multivitamin because all the high quality ingredients found in it are made from bioavailable vitamins and minerals. This multivitamin is made with plant-based ingredients, so it digests like food. This supplement is formulated with everything that you need and without unnecessary additives, synthetic coating, or processed tablet binders. Electrolytes  Your body requires an adequate balance of fluids and electrolytes to perform at its best. Electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, are vital minerals that sustain the body's fluid balance, support nerve function, and regulate muscle recovery.  Proper electrolyte balance prevents dehydration, which can cause muscle cramps, fatigue, and brain fog, among other things. Sodium and potassium work together to regulate fluid balance and blood pressure, while calcium and magnesium are essential for muscle function and heart health. Electrolyte supplements can be particularly useful during periods of intense physical activity, illness, or heat exposure, where electrolyte loss through sweat or other means. Electrolyte supplements help replenish lost electrolytes, preventing dehydration and maintaining optimal bodily functions. LH Product Highlight: Nectar Hydration Packets This electrolyte supplement comes in convenient, individual packets and the mix is formulated to support overall wellness by promoting energy levels, cognitive function, and muscle performance. It is a clean, daily hydration mix optimized to hydrate you faster and more efficiently than just water alone.  Digestive Enzymes Many people experience painful bloating or digestive discomfort after meals. Digestive enzymes are crucial for the proper breakdown and absorption of nutrients from the food we consume. These enzymes help decompose proteins, carbs, and fats into smaller, more absorbable molecules. Supplementing with digestive enzymes can be particularly beneficial for individuals with digestive issues or those prone to excessive bloating after a meal. Digestive enzyme supplements can alleviate digestive discomfort, like bloating, gas, or indigestion. In addition, digestive enzyme supplements can support gut health by preventing undigested food particles from fermenting in the intestines, which can lead to harmful bacterial overgrowth. For those with specific dietary restrictions, digestive enzyme supplements may help to improve digestive efficiency. LH Product Highlight: Ora Organic Break It Down Digestive Enzyme Capsules This supplement contains digestive enzymes to help alleviate common digestive issues. Such as bloating and occasional constipation. It is also formulated with one billion probiotics to help promote the health of the intestinal wall, which can get damaged when foods are poorly digested. Raw Liver Capsules Raw liver is known for its nutrient-dense profile, having a range of benefits that support overall health and vitality. Liver is one of the most nutrient-rich foods in the world, packed with essential vitamins and minerals which play crucial roles in various bodily functions, including energy production, immune support, and maintaining healthy functioning organs. Incorporating raw liver into one's diet helps the body receive concentrated doses of essential nutrients in their most bioavailable forms. Raw liver supplements are a convenient alternative for those who may find the taste or texture of raw liver unappealing. LH Product Highlight: Promix Grass-Fed New Zealand Raw Liver Capsules Raw liver in supplement form makes it much easier to consume. This supplement helps to optimize the body’s hormonal profile and promotes liver detoxification. Promix’s high quality product is 100% grass-fed and finished with zero fillers or binders.  Vitamin D3 and Supporting Supplements  Vitamin D3, K2, and CoQ10 are a powerful trio, working together to enhance certain body functions. Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption, promoting bone health and supporting immune function. Vitamin K2 aids D3 by directing calcium to the right parts of the body. Together, D3 and K2 ensure that calcium is efficiently utilized in the body, promoting skeletal health and preventing vascular calcification. Next, enter CoQ10, a powerful antioxidant used for cellular energy production. CoQ10 also protects cells from oxidative damage, which is vital for heart health. From a holistic perspective, the combination of D3, K2, and CoQ10 supports bone health, heart function, and energy production. This combination of supplements ensures that calcium is effectively used and the body's energy needs are met. LH Product Highlight: Cymbiotika D3 + K2 + CoQ10 Luckily, Cymbiotika has a product formulated with vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and CoQ10, making it a convenient and effective supplement. This product’s formula contains a high quality of plant-based materials that are compatible with the human body.  Choosing the right supplements is a great way to achieve your health goals. We hope this guide to some of our favorite supplements aligns with your health journey. Remember to speak with your practitioner before adding any supplements into your daily regime.

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Lemon Olive Oil Cake W/ Protein Strawberry Frosting 🍓🍰

Blogs – by Lauren Fitzpatrick

Lemon Olive Oil Cake W/ Protein Strawberry Frosting 🍓🍰

This gluten free protein cake is the perfect summer treat! With a delicious protein packed strawberry frosting thats guilt free and sure to impress guests!  Cake ingredients: 2 eggs 2/3 maple syrup 1/2 cup milk (we used Malk) 4 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp lemon zest 1/2 cup olive oil 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups bobs red mill 1:1 baking flour 1 tsp baking powder⠀ 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp sea salt   Frosting: 3/4 cup whipping cream 3 tbsp Greek yogurt 1 serving of just ingredients strawberries & cream protein powder   Topping: 5 Cut strawberries & lemon zest   Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl combine all wet ingredients and whisk together. Mix in dry ingredients Grease a baking or pie dish and transfer batter Bake for approximately 35 minutes or until center is cooked (test with a toothpick) Once baked, set until cooled.   Frosting: Add heavy whipping cream to a bowl With a hand mixer, mix until fluffy (1-2 minutes) Add Greek yogurt & protein powder Mix again until combined   Topping the cake: Once the cake is cooled transfer the ‘icing’ on top of the cake. Distribute evenly. Cut strawberries & top with grated lemon   Enjoy! 🍓   Cake inspired by: @gatherednutrition

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Sleep Better Naturally: Essential Products For a Restful Night

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

Sleep Better Naturally: Essential Products For a Restful Night

We live in an overstimulating world, and sleep often takes a backseat to our busy schedules and demanding lifestyles. Yet, the importance of sleep cannot be overstated, as most adults typically need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.  However, getting enough hours of rest is not the only important element of sleep. The quality of our sleep also plays a crucial role in our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Achieving a good night’s sleep often requires a combination of good habits and the right products. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of sleep and highlight some key products that can help improve your sleep quality naturally. The Importance of Sleep We all know that sleep is crucial. It is a time for our bodies to repair and rejuvenate. During deep sleep stages, our bodies engage in tissue growth and muscle repair, immune system strengthening, among other vital tasks. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a weakened immune system, an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism and optimal physical performance. Enhancing Your Sleep Quality As mentioned above, achieving a good night's sleep often requires more than just going to bed at a reasonable hour. The products and environment can make a significant difference. Below are some products that can help enhance your sleep quality: Magnesium  Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions. Among other benefits, magnesium promotes relaxation, regulates melatonin, and improves sleep quality. Magnesium is a low tox, natural way to improve sleep quality.  At Live Healthillie, we are big fans of magnesium and recognize its power to help with sleep, calming the nervous system, and relaxation. Below are some of our favorite magnesium products for sleep: Juna Nightcap Sleep Gummies: This product has 72 trace minerals and magnesium citrate to support neurotransmitter and hormone regulation which resets sleep-wake cycles and binds to (GABA) receptors in your body to produce calming effects. The Wooden Spoon Herbs Magic Magnesium: The spirulina blue lemonade-flavored powder promotes a sense of calm and is a great addition to a mocktail before bed. Truvani Magnesium Tablets: This supplement is formulated to help calm nervous system, promotes relaxation, and encourages a deep restful sleep. Cymbiotika Topical Magnesium Oil: This topical spray is specifically formulated to absorb into the bloodstream within minutes, leaving no oily residue.  If you are curious about the different types of magnesium, check out this blog post to discover which magnesium is right for you.  Blackout Curtains Light exposure can significantly disrupt your sleep. Blackout curtains are designed to block out external light, creating a dark environment for sleep. They are especially useful if you live in an area with streetlights or have an irregular sleep schedule. White Noise Machines Noise disturbances can be a barrier to restful sleep through the night. White noise machines produce a consistent sound that masks background noises, creating a soothing sleep environment. They can be particularly beneficial for light sleepers or those living in noisy neighborhoods. Mouth Tape Using mouth tape when sleeping can be a a beneficial way to get a more restful sleep. Mouth tape reduces snoring and drooling, as well as promotes nasal breathing, which is beneficial for a deep sleep. We love the Dryft Sleep Mouth Tape, which is a medical-grade, latex-free tape that is is delicate on sensitive skin and effective.  Weighted Blankets Weighted blankets have recently gained popularity due to the way they provide a sense of security and reduce anxiety. The gentle pressure from the blanket can stimulate the release of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that promote relaxation and sleep. They are especially helpful for individuals that are having restless nights or difficulty falling asleep. Establishing a Sleep-Friendly Routine In addition to using the right products, establishing a consistent bedtime routine can greatly improve your sleep quality. Here are some tips: Set a Regular Sleep Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This pattern helps to reinforce your body’s circadian rhythm, which helps bodily functions and cycles to operate optimally. Create a Relaxing Pre-Sleep Routine: Engage in calming activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing meditation before bed. This will signal to your body that it is time to wind down. Limit Screen Time: Avoid screens (such as on your phones, tablets, computers) for at least an hour before bed, as the blue light can interfere with melatonin production. You can also try wearing blue light glasses which filter out the disruptive light. Reduce Caffeine: Consuming too much caffeine in the day can keep you overstimulated and awake. By avoiding consuming caffeine in the hours leading up to bedtime, you can minimize the risk of staying up. Practice Journaling: Spending a few minutes reflecting on your day or jotting down your thoughts in a journal can help clear your mind and reduce racing thoughts. Mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, can also be a part of this process. Adjust the Temperature: Maintaining an optimal sleeping temperature is crucial for good sleep. Products like breathable sheets and pillow cases made with natural fibers such as cotton or silk can help regulate your body temperature throughout the night. In addition, keeping the thermostat in your bedroom at a comfortable temperature is also important for sleep. The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. By using the right low tox products and prioritizing techniques to estanlish a nighttime routine, you set the stage for restful and effective night of sleep. Take the time to create a sleep-friendly environment and incorporate calming activities into your nightly ritual.

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Achieve Radiant Skin Holistically: Radiant Complexion From Within and Natural Products for Glowing Skin

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

Achieve Radiant Skin Holistically: Radiant Complexion From Within and Natural Products for Glowing Skin

We all want to achieve the natural, radiant glow that comes from healthy skin. Although dull and dry skin is common, it can be frustrating. Thankfully, there are ways to brighten dull skin and revitalize your complexion. Keep reading to understand more about your skin health and what you can do to achieve dewy, glowing skin.  Understanding Skin Health Before diving into the ways to achieve radiant skin, it is essential to understand what contributes to skin health. The skin is the largest organ of the body and serves as a barrier against environmental aggressors. Its health reflects our overall well-being and is influenced by various factors such as diet, hydration, sleep, stress levels, and skincare routines. Holistic Approaches to Radiant Skin Nutrition: Balanced Skin From the Inside Out  We have all heard the phrase “You are what you eat.” When it comes to glowing skin, a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins is crucial for skin health from the inside out. It is important to listen to your body and understand what it needs to thrive, not just for your skin, but for your overall wellbeing. When specifically focusing on skin health, there are specific things you can focus on to achieve your desired results:  Hydration: Drinking enough water a day helps maintain the skin's elasticity and flushes out toxins. However, make sure you are not drinking too much water, which could lead to flushing out essential nutrients. Consider adding trace mineral drops, like the ones from Zuma, to your water so that you are hydrating while replenishing mineral deficiencies. Healthy Fats: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts help maintain the skin's lipid barrier, preventing dryness and inflammation. Healthy fats keep the skin moisturized, giving it that desired dewy appearance.  Protein: Essential for skin repair, elasticity, and regeneration. By including a variety of protein sources into your diet, your skin will reap the benefits of the amino acids that help produce collagen and keratin found in natural protein sources. If you are looking to supplement your protein intake, we carry a variety of high quality animal and plant-based protein supplements on Live Healthillie. Hydration: More Than Just Drinking Water As mentioned above, adding trace minerals to your water may help replenish certain mineral deficiencies, improve cellular function, and support vitality. Our Zuma Himalayan Shilajit Liquid Tonic is a complete trace mineral source that can help recharge the body. While drinking enough water is essential, topical hydration is equally important. Use hydrating products, such as serums and moisturizers to retain moisture and strengthen the skin barrier. We will get into these types of products further in the post.  Sleep: Beauty Rest Is Real Getting adequate sleep, typically 7-9 hours, allows the body to repair and regenerate overnight. During sleep, the skin's blood flow increases, collagen production occurs, and the repair of UV damage happens. Lack of sleep can lead to dark circles and premature aging, making the skin appear dry and dull. Stress Management: Keep Calm for Clear Skin We all know by now that stress can have negative impacts on the body, which may be shown in different ways. Dull skin may be an outcome of stress. Further, chronic stress can exacerbate skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine, such as: Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices that promote relaxation and reduce stress hormones may also reduce the appearance of a fatigue on the skin.   Exercise: Regular physical activity increases blood flow, helps eliminate toxins, and reduces stress. In addition, increased blood flow to the face can lead to a healthier complexion.  To further curb stress, try our Live Healthillie Minerals & Chill, which can help the body balance stress responses and reduce adrenal fatigue.  Skincare Routine with Low Toxic Products Using low tox, gentle products is key to maintaining a healthy, glowing complexion. Harsh chemicals and fragrances can irritate the skin and disrupt its natural balance. Below is a guide to a simple, effective skincare routine: Cleansing Choose a gentle cleanser with simple ingredients that removes impurities and makeup without stripping your skin of its natural oils. Our Aleavia Purifying Facial Cleanse Purifying Facial Cleanser gently and effectively removes dead skin cells, toxins, and excess oil to bring your skin’s pH to its optimum level and relieve irritation. Exfoliation Exfoliating 1-2 times a week removes dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover, which leads to dewy, glowing skin. Opt for gentle exfoliants like lactic acid or enzyme-based products to avoid irritation. We love the Fitglow Micro Exfoliant + Mask for glowing skin because the Charcoal and Canadian Glacial Clay gently exfoliate while delivering skin-strengthening minerals. Meanwhile, Amber Extract stimulates skin, providing anti-aging benefits. Toning Use an alcohol-free toner to hydrate and balance the skin's pH. Our UpCircle Face Toner is a great choice for a gentle toner It is formulated with hyaluronic acid and glycerin to moisturize and brighten the skin. Serums Serums are potent formulations that address specific skin concerns and may help achieve glowing, healthy skin. Agent Nateur Holi (Lift) Ageless Lifting and Firming Serum is an ultimate Live Healthillie favorite. This product is formulated for all skin types, but exceptional for mature or aging skin, as it is hydrating, moisturizing, brightening, pore minimizing and tightening to the skin.  Moisturizing A hydrating moisturizer is essential for glowing skin. Lightweight, low tox options like the Kinfield Rescue Mission Whipped Moisturizer provide hydration without clogging pores. Sun Protection Sunscreen is vital for protecting the skin from UV damage, which can cause signs of premature aging. Physical sunscreens formulated with zinc oxide, such as the Kinfield Cloud Cover, are often gentler on the skin. To learn more about sunscreen and our low tox, sun-safe product options, read our blog post How Often Should I Reapply Sunscreen? Consistency is Key Achieving radiant skin will not happen overnight. But with consistent practices, you can improve the appearance of your skin to be glowing, dewy, and radiant. Allow your skin time to adapt to new products and habits.  Your skin is often a reflection of your overall health. By focusing on a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management, and using low tox skincare products, you can achieve and maintain a glowing complexion.

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Tropical Detox Protein Shake Recipe

Blogs – by Lauren Fitzpatrick

Tropical Detox Protein Shake Recipe

Summer is here which means give me all the tropical juicy smoothies. This shake is packed with so many amazing benefits!  Frozen Pineapple: Pineapple is rich in vitamins C and B6, manganese, and antioxidants, which support immune health, aid digestion, and reduce inflammation. Frozen Avocado: Avocado provides healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, and essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin E, which support heart health and promote satiety. Vanilla Protein Powder: Protein powder helps in muscle recovery and growth, provides essential amino acids, and can aid in keeping you full and energized. Coconut Water: Coconut water is a natural electrolyte-rich drink that helps with hydration, replenishing lost minerals, and supporting heart health. Parsley: Parsley is a nutrient-dense herb packed with vitamins A, C, and K, and antioxidants that support detoxification, reduce inflammation, and promote bone health. Parsley also helps regulate blood sugar to offset any sugar spike from the pineapple. Grated Ginger: Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, aids digestion, reduces nausea, and boosts the immune system. Combining these ingredients, this smoothie not only tastes great but also provides a comprehensive range of health benefits, from hydration and immune support to muscle recovery and detoxification. 2 servings Ingredients: - 1 cup frozen pineapple - 1/3 cup frozen avocado - 2 scoops just ingredients vanilla protein - 2 cups coconut water - 1/4 cup parsley - 1in graded ginger Blend and enjoy!    Frozen avocado in smoothies makes it extra creamy.

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5 Benefits of Low Tox Hair Care

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

5 Benefits of Low Tox Hair Care

Looking for shiny, nourished, beautiful hair? Many of us turn to different hair care products promising miraculous transformations to hair in order to achieve our desired results. However, hair care is a journey and unfortunately, conventional hair care products are often formulated with toxic ingredients that can harm our hair and our health. Awareness of harmful ingredients in hair care products is key to embracing safer, more natural alternatives.  This blog post explores the benefits of low tox hair care and tips for making the switch to safer, more natural alternatives.  Understanding Toxic Ingredients in Hair Care Why are people are making the switch to hair care with natural ingredients? Conventional hair care products often contain chemicals that can cause more harm than good. Common ingredients to avoid include sulfates, parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. Sulfates, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, is the ingredient that creates the rich lather in traditional shampoo and hair products. However, they can strip hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation of the scalp. Parabens and phthalates have been linked to endocrine disruption, among other potential health risks. Further, synthetic fragrances that are found in many hair care products can lead to scalp irritation or allergic reactions. By swapping traditional hair care products for ones with cleaner ingredients, you reduce your risk of exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Benefits of Low Toxic Hair Care We have highlighted some of the main benefits of switching to clean hair care products: 1. Improved Hair Health One of the immediate benefits of switching to low toxic hair care is the improvement in scalp and hair health. Natural ingredients found in clean hair products like coconut, argan oil, and honey provide gentle yet effective cleansing without stripping away natural oils or causing irritation. These ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote hair growth, strengthen hair strands, and prevent breakage. A healthier scalp, free from harsh chemicals, fosters an environment conducive to hair growth and overall hair vitality. For gentle shampoo conditioner options, try our Innersense Pure Harmony Hairbath and the Innersense Hydrating Cream Conditioner. These products are silicone-free and leave hair feeling nourished. 2. Reduced Risk of Allergic Reactions  Many people experience allergic reactions or sensitivities to the harsh ingredients found in conventional hair care products. Symptoms can range from mild itching and redness to severe dermatitis. Low toxic hair care products, which are formulated with natural and organic ingredients, are less likely to cause these reactions. By eliminating common irritants such as synthetic fragrances, these products are gentler and safer for those with sensitive scalps or allergies. For example, products such as our Luna Nectar Renaissance BetterHair Pre-Wash Hair Treatment Oil has been Dermatologist-tested, trichologist-approved. Not only is this product formulated with natural ingredients, it is also naturally scented, with no fake or headache-inducing fragrances. 3. Regulated Hormone Balance  Certain chemicals in conventional hair care products, like parabens and phthalates, are known to be endocrine disruptors. These substances can interfere with the body's hormone balance, potentially leading to long-term adverse health risks. By choosing hair care products with cleaner ingredients, you reduce your exposure to these harmful chemicals and support better hormonal health. 4. Decreased Scalp Irritation  The sulphates found in traditional hair care products may disrupt the pH balance of the scalp, leading to inflammation and irritation. Sulfates strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to more oil production, ultimately causing more build up on the scalp. The Kitsch Shampoo Brush and Scalp Exfoliator is a helpful tool to gently massage and exfoliate your scalp. 5. Managed Long-Term Hair Health  Low toxic hair care products promote long-term hair health and manageability. Without the buildup of harsh chemicals, hair is more likely to maintain its natural texture, shine, and strength. While the transition from traditional hair care products may take some getting used to, over time, your hair will adapt and become easier to manage. As a result, there will be less dependence on additional styling products and treatments. If you are looking for a clarifying shampoo to remove product buildup, consider trying our Look Organics Clarifying Shampoo. Tips for Transitioning to Low Toxic Hair Care When transitioning to low toxic hair care from traditional products, leverage Live Healthillie’s various hair products. All products on our site have been vetted with a high standard in mind. Beginning to use hair care products with simple ingredients can be a rewarding process with a few thoughtful steps: Read Labels Carefully: Educate yourself on harmful ingredients to avoid. Look for products labeled as sulfate-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, and free of synthetic fragrances. As mentioned above, Live Healthillie does the work for you ahead of time, so you know all ingredient labels on our site have clean ingredients that adhere to our strict standard.  Start with Basics: There is no need to stress out and throw away all of your traditional hair care products at once. As a first step, begin by replacing your shampoo and conditioner with low toxic alternatives. You can gradually incorporate other products like styling gels, serums, and hair masks over time. Be Patient: Your hair may go through an adjustment period as it detoxifies from previous chemical exposure. Give it time to adapt and improve. Also, since low tox hair care products do not contain sulfates, they have less lather than traditional hair products, which may take some getting used to. Consult Reviews and Recommendations: Our site has plenty of reviews from customers who have tried our products. Look for reviews and recommendations who have already made the switch to low toxic hair care to see what is best for you. Consider Your Diet: Having healthy hair is not just about the products you use, it is also based on your diet. Incorporate a balanced diet with varied vegetables and healthy fats to receive the nutrients you need for nourished hair.  Embracing Healthier Choices for Beautiful Hair Switching to low toxic hair care can be a great step in your health journey. By choosing products made with natural and organic ingredients, you can enjoy the benefits of nourished hair without the risks associated with toxic ingredients. Embrace the change, and let your hair thrive naturally.

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How To Detox Your Armpits for Summer

Blogs – by Iliriana Zeneli

How To Detox Your Armpits for Summer

Transitioning to natural deodorant can be a hassle, especially if you've never done it before! This guide will help you successfully get you off of toxic antiperspirants and onto natural deodorants even in the sweatiest months.  For many who don't know my story, I actually suffered with excessive sweating to the point I would sweat through sweatshirts even with antiperspirant on. It was so embarrassing and I highly considered botox for my underarms. Thankfully at the time I was deathly afraid of needles so I never did but it sent me down a path of researching why this happens to people.  For me, I realized my body was sending me a signal. Sweat is one of the main detox pathways in our body - it helps remove toxins from the body and when we try to stop that through antiperspirants it can make things worse. This changed my perspective on sweating completely - I WANTED to sweat but not this much and also not smell, so what do I do?  Our lymphatic system is like our internal filter and many lymph nodes are located around the breast and armpit area. When we stop perspiration, it can back these toxins up into our breast tissue which is dangerous long term. The smell can come from what we eat, like ultra processed foods, greasy food, fried food and even healthy foods like onions, garlic etc. What goes in must come out, but thats what deodorant is for in those cases. Smelly sweat can also be bacteria under the arms that needs to be cleaned better or it can be hormonal (hence why pregnant women tend to smell a little stronger) - so figuring out which you may be dealing with can help determine how to resolve it.  If you are someone who has been on antiperspirants for years, it may be helpful to start with a lymphatic detox supplement. Our Zuma Lymphatic Detox naturally and gently stimulates lymph so our bodies can push out toxins better as we transition to a natural deodorant. You can definitely use this simultaneously with a clean deodorant.  If you already are used to natural deodorants but feel in the summer you need a little extra help keeping the smell away you can try an underarm mask. This is usually done with a bentonite clay, a little apple cider vinegar and water, mix into a paste and lather onto your armpits for 10 minutes a night for 7-10 days. You can also opt for charcoal based products like our Rustic Maka underarm bar. Just simply wash with this daily to keep scent at bay and its amazing for acne prone skin. You can pair this with a charcoal exfoliant to rid your underarms for dead skin and leave them feeling fresh and smooth.  Next is choosing the right deodorant for you. Since we have so many here is a short cheat sheet.  Rustic Maka is our baking soda free line. Baking soda can help keep you dry but some people have found it can cause them irritation under the arms especially if you are more sensitive. This line has been a fan favorite with really amazing scents and 24 hour protection.  Nala is our baking soda line so they are considered extra strength. They have great scents and are definitely perfect for more sweaty people who aren't sensitive to baking soda.  Cleo+Coco is also a baking soda based deodorant and also comes in a spray deodorant option as well. They are considered extra strength and can be paired with their body + hair powders to keep dry on the go.  Our Kinfield brand released a fan favorite deodorant for active lifestyles. It is a baking soda free formula but has PH-balancing fruit enzymes for those of us who are smellier from working out or being active. It's a great gender-neutral scent perfect for anyone looking to switch.  Once you pick the right deodorant it can take from 4-8 weeks to fully be detoxed from toxic antiperspirants so definitely stick with it! 

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Top 5 Non-Toxic Vaginal Health Tips

Blogs – by Iliriana Zeneli

Top 5 Non-Toxic Vaginal Health Tips

Vaginal health is a very important part of a women's health and often with overlooked or we do too much. Our vagina is self-cleaning and with good nutrition there is very little we really need to do but if you're someone who needs a little more TLC - I have just the tips for you.  1. Optimal Nutrition A big factor to a healthy vaginal microbiome is what we consume. There was a time in my life I had reoccurring UTI's and had to go on rounds of antibiotics until finally I asked the urgent care doctor if there was anything else that could be causing this? I was freshly off birth control after being on it for 7 years and wasn't even sexually active at this point so how was I getting it? She confirmed that my gut health could be causing it. Ever since I changed my diet, I haven't had a UTI since.  I Avoided: Ultra-processed foods and refined sugar.  I consumed more: red fruits and veggies, high fat foods like avocado, salmon, walnuts, and gut healing foods like bone broth, yogurt, kefir etc.  2. Non-Toxic Body Care There is a huge market out there for feminine hygiene with all types of fancy washes. The truth is, we really don't need anything fancy just simple. I love our Aleavia body wash because it has simple ingredients, no hormone disruptors and it's microbiome friendly. Just a friendly reminder that you don't need to wash the vagina since it's self cleaning but you can wash your body and outside areas like normal.  3. Vaginal Probiotics We can all use extra support and when you are someone who struggles with vaginal health issues - it can really come in handy to create balance again. The vagina and urinary tract need a healthy balance of friendly bacteria to help them resist colonization by other not-so-friendly bugs that can contribute to issues like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and UTIs. I love Lady Bugs by Ora Organics because have been widely studied for their potential to support healthy pH levels in the vagina, decrease the presence of inflammatory signaling molecules, reduce the risk of urinary tract infections, and support healing in skin-type cells found in the vagina.  4. Non-Toxic Period Care What we use internally when our period comes is just as important since our vaginas are so sensitive. Many mainstream period care products contain whitening agents, bleach, fragrance and other hormone disrupting chemicals like plastic. By no means should they be entering such a sensitive area. Viv for your V is a great non-toxic period care brand with pads, tampons, liners and even 100% medical grade silicon menstrual cups if that's more your vibe. Many women have experienced even a lighter flow and less painful periods simply from switching to cleaner period products.  5. Get Intimate Safely For many sex can be a major trigger and be very uncomfortable for people. Again, many conventional lubricants you can find at Target or Walgreens contain hormone disrupting ingredients like fragrance and parabens. A natural lubricant with minimal ingredients can help especially for those that experience vaginal dryness. I prefer Coconu and they have two a water based one and oil based one for multiple preferences. Water-based is more gentle and short acting where the oil based one lasts longer and both are hypoallergenic so it's perfect for even the most sensitive people.  Taking care of your vaginal health should be easy and a no brainer but with so many new brands trying market having your hoo-ha smell like cotton candy - we are made to think we need all these products. For me, vaginal health is about supporting my body nutritionally and supplementing if I need more support while cleaning up products that go near that area from body wash to tampons. 

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Safely Sun-Kissed: How to Achieve the Perfect Low-Tox Self Tan

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

Safely Sun-Kissed: How to Achieve the Perfect Low-Tox Self Tan

With summer almost upon us, beach days and outdoor adventures are around the corner. People are also seeking glowing, tan skin.  In the quest for sun-kissed skin without the harmful effects of UV rays, fake tanning has become an increasingly popular option. However, traditional self-tanning products may contain harmful chemicals that can disrupt your hormones or have adverse affects on your health with prolonged use. Fortunately, there are alternate options available for fake tanning with cleaner ingredients. Live Healthillie offers low-tox tanning products that allow you to achieve a beautiful, natural-looking tan without compromising your health. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide to achieving the perfect fake tan with low-tox tanning products. Understanding Low-Tox Tanning Products Low-tox tanning products are formulated with fewer potentially harmful ingredients in comparison to conventional self-tanners. They prioritize natural and organic ingredients, minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and artificial fragrances. Key ingredients to look for in low-tox tanning products include: Dihydroxyacetone (DHA): A natural sugar derived from plants like sugar beets and cane. DHA reacts with the amino acids on the skin's surface to produce a temporary bronzing effect. Aloe Vera: A plant is known for its soothing and hydrating properties, helping to maintain dewey, hydrated skin.  Plant Oils and Extracts: Coconut oil, jojoba oil, and rosemary leaf extract are all examples of common plant oils that nourish and protect the skin. Essential Oil: Essential oils or other plant-based scents are preferable to synthetic fragrances that can irritate the skin.   Preparing for the Perfect Tan Preparation is important to ensure a long-lasting tan without streaks or patches. Follow the steps below to learn how to best prep your skin for the perfect tan:  1. Exfoliate Exfoliation removes dead skin cells (or a prior layer of fake tan), creating a smooth surface for your tan. Use a gentle scrub or an exfoliating glove to slough off any rough patches. Pay close attention to areas like elbows, knees, and ankles, where skin tends to be drier. Our Rustic Maka Pre-Shave Scrub Bamboo + Jojoba is a good option for a gentle, yet effective exfoliator to prepare the skin for a close shave. 2. Shave or Wax If you plan to shave or wax, do it at least 24 hours before applying your self-tanner. Doing so will help your skin avoid irritation and ensure that your tan adheres evenly to your skin. Using a shaving cream may be help you get an even shave without stripping the skin of moisture. Look for a shaving cream with naturally derived ingredients, like our Jackfir The Classic Shave Cream or our Rustic Maka Shaving Gel.  3. Moisturize Make sure to hydrate your skin, focusing on dry areas to prevent the tan from developing unevenly. Use a light, oil-free moisturizer to avoid creating a barrier that could interfere with the tanning product. Let the moisturizer skin into your skin and dry before applying any tanning product.  Choosing the Right Low-Tox Tanning Product Selecting the right tanning product is crucial for achieving a natural-looking tan. At Live Healthillie, we  carry popular, low-tox tanning products that are formulated with safe, clean ingredients that minimize health risks and the body’s exposure to potential toxic substances. 1. Tanning Lotion The Beauty By Earth Self Tanner Body Lotion is formulated without dyes or synthetic ingredients. This hydrating sunless tanning lotion gives you a natural, gradual tan. The fair-medium shade may be best for those with fair skin tones, while the medium-dark shade is better for those with medium or deeper skin tones. For the best results, use the Beauty By Earth Self Tanner Application Kabuki Body Blending Brush to apply the product. 2. Tanning Mousse Beauty By Earth Self Tanner Body Tanning Mousse gives you a sun-kissed glow without the damage of UV rays or traditional self-tanning products. This quick-drying mousse is formulated with natural, yet powerful ingredients. For an streak-free tan, use the Beauty By Earth Self Tanner Body & Face Applicator & Exfoliating Glove to apply the mousse. Pump the lightweight product onto your tanning mitt and buff it out. In 4 to 6 hours, your skin will have bronzed glow. 3. Tanning Drops  Beauty By Earth Self Tanner Drops are great option for those with sensitive skin, these self tan drops can be used to customize your own face tanning lotion or body tanner lotion. In order to achieve the result you want, mix a couple drops with your favorite moisturizer. You can use more or less drops depending on your desired color. These sunless tanner drops are formulated with natural and organic ingredients that give you a natural bronzed glow without an offensive odor or looking orange.  Maintaining Your Tan To keep your tan looking fresh and lasting as long as possible, follow these maintenance tips: 1. Moisturize Daily Hydrated skin retains a tan better than dry skin. Use a gentle, clean ingredient moisturizer, like the Organic Bath Co. Naked Skin Cream, on a daily basis to keep your skin soft and smooth. Be mindful of drier areas, such as elbows or knees. Dry skin can lead to patchiness or the look of an uneven fake tan. 2. Avoid Exfoliation Steer clear of exfoliating products that could strip away your tan. When you need to exfoliate, do so gently and only when necessary. 3. Reapply as Needed Depending on your desired color and the longevity of your tan, you may need to reapply your self-tanner every 5-7 days. To keep a natural-looking tan, do not reapply too frequently, which may lead to an unnatural color.  Embracing Natural Ingredients for a Safe Tan Remember, using self-tanning products does not exempt you from being exposed to UV rays from the sun. If you are spending a lot of time outside, be mindful to apply sunscreen, like our Kinfield Cloud Cover SPF 35. Achieving a perfect fake tan with low-tox tanning products is easier than you may think. By choosing products with natural, organic ingredients and following proper application and maintenance techniques, you can enjoy a beautiful, sun-kissed glow without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. Transitioning to low-tox tanning products can be daunting, but with careful preparation, mindful application, and diligent maintenance, you can achieve and maintain a flawless, natural-looking self-tan.

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10 Ways to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

10 Ways to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

Do you feel like you are in a funk? Even wellness-conscious people find ourselves in a rut at times. Despite our dedication to healthy habits, busy schedules, stress, and unexpected events can disrupt our typical routines.  If you are feeling a lack of motivation, decreased concentration, tiredness, or moodiness, you may be experiencing low levels of dopamine.  What Is Dopamine?  Dopamine is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter or the “happy hormone.” It is a chemical messenger in your brain that gives you feelings of motivation and satisfaction. Dopamine plays a very important role in regulating mood as well. If you are feeling no drive to accomplish tasks, moody, generally “off,” there are several natural ways to boost this neurotransmitter and promote your well-being and happiness.  This blog post explores effective methods to naturally increase your dopamine levels and boost your mood.  Ways to Increase Dopamine Levels Holistically  In order to increase your “happy hormone” naturally, it is important to take care of the the body and the mind. 1. Move Your Body Exercise is one of the most quickest and most effective ways to boost your dopamine levels naturally. Physical activity triggers dopamine to be released in the brain, leading to feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Engaging in regular exercise, ideally for at least 30 minutes, will stimulate dopamine release.  If you are looking to amplify your energy and focus while working out, a pre-workout supplement may be the boost you need. We love the Ora Organic Preworkout because it does not contain any artificial flavors, nor does it give you jitters like other pre-workout powders might.  2. Eat Dopamine-Boosting Foods We always promote a nourishing, balanced diet. There are certain foods that help to increase dopamine levels. Try including whole foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your diet, like a variety of fruits and leafy greens. Also, incorporating foods rich in tyrosine, an amino acid precursor to dopamine, into your diet can help boost you mood and energy. Foods that have tyrosine include eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and lean meats.  3. Set and Achieve Goals Dopamine is released in the brain when you feel a sense of accomplishment. Achieving your goals, whether big or small, can boost dopamine levels by providing a sense of attainment and reward. Even checking items off a list is an effective way to feel accomplished, therefore triggering dopamine levels. Set realistic goals for yourself and take small steps each day to work towards achieving them.  4. Practice Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or breathing exercises, can increase dopamine levels by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. If your mind is racing despite trying to mediate, it could be due to excess stress. Too much stress can negatively impact your dopamine levels and overall mental health. Deep breathing and muscle relaxation can help calm the mind and support healthy dopamine regulation. Need some help de-stressing? We carry Look Organics Calm, a supplement that promotes relaxation and works to improve energy production, mood, and sleep. 5. Prioritize Quality Sleep Do you wake up still feeling tired? Adequate sleep is essential for optimal brain function, including dopamine production and regulation. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep a night to support healthy dopamine levels. If you are looking for supplements to help with a good sleep routine, some of our favorites include Juna Nightcap Sleep Gummies, Cymbiotika Sleep, and Ora Organic You're A Knock Out Natural Sleep Aid Supplement. All our options have clean ingredients and work with your body’s natural circadian rhythm to help you have a better night of rest.  6. Engage in Creative Activities Make time for creative hobbies in your life. Engaging in creative activities, such as drawing, writing, or playing music, can stimulate dopamine production. When you immerse yourself in creative tasks, your brain enters a flow state where you are fully engaged in the task at hand. The concentration that happens for a creative task boosts dopamine levels because it contributes to a sense of accomplishment. 7. Practice Gratitude and Positivity  The power of gratitude can go a long way. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can increase dopamine levels naturally by increasing your general happiness. If you focus on the positive aspects of your life, your brain considers them to be confirmations or achievements, therefore triggering dopamine. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether it is your health, relationships, or simple pleasures in life.  8. Get Regular Sunlight Exposure Spending time outside has many health benefits. Importantly, sunlight exposure can increase dopamine levels in the brain by triggering the release of vitamin D and serotonin, which are closely linked to dopamine production. Take advantage of opportunities to go outside and connect with nature by going for walks, hiking, or simply getting outside and enjoying the sunshine.  We have discussed the importance of sunscreen on our blog as well. If you are going to spend excessive time in the sun, remember to apply a low-tox sunscreen like our Kinfield Cloud Cover SPF 35. 9. Socialize and Connect Regular social interaction and meaningful connections with others are essential for promoting dopamine release. We are social creatures by nature. Prioritizing spending time with friends, family, and people you are close to fosters a sense of connection. Building a social support network can enhance dopamine levels by contributing to a feeling of belonging and fulfillment. 10. Practice Dopamine Fasting Dopamine fasting involves taking a break from certain activities that typically stimulate dopamine.  Scrolling on social media, playing video games, and excessive screen time may all release dopamine in the brain, but these activities are not necessarily good for your health. By taking a break from these activities, and temporarily reducing sensory input, you can reset your dopamine receptors and enhance their sensitivity to natural rewards. Increasing dopamine levels naturally is important for overall wellness and happiness. By incorporating holistic strategies into your daily routine, you can support healthy dopamine production and regulation holistically, in a variety of different ways. Remember to prioritize self-care, set realistic goals, and celebrate your successes along the way.

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A Holistic Approach to Seasonal Allergy Relief

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

A Holistic Approach to Seasonal Allergy Relief

The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the weather is getting warmer. As spring approaches, so do the dreaded seasonal allergies. Unfortunately for many, this time of year leads to congestion, sneezing, and itching, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks or enjoy the outdoors.  In this blog post, we will explore holistic tips for finding relief from seasonal allergies. A holistic approach to managing seasonal allergies addresses both the symptoms and possible underlying causes. By opting for low-tox alternatives to conventional allergy medication or incorporating different holistic remedies into your allergy treatment, you can strengthen your immune system and reduce the severity of your seasonal allergies. Five Tips for Seasonal Allergy Relief Naturally From a holistic perspective, seasonal allergies can be attributed to an imbalance in the body’s immune response triggered by different environmental factors, such as pollen. In addition, dietary choices, lifestyle habits, and stress levels can play a role in exacerbating allergic reactions. Holistic remedies or treatments for seasonal allergies can address the root cause of allergies, rather than just alleviating symptoms.  We have gathered five tips to help you find seasonal allergy relief.  1. Balance Your Nutrition One of the most powerful ways to combat seasonal allergies is through your diet. Certain foods have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, which can help reduce allergy symptoms and strengthen your body's defenses against allergens. Incorporating these foods into your meals can make a significant difference in how you feel during allergy season. Local Honey: Consuming raw, local honey is a popular natural remedy for seasonal allergies. The theory behind this remedy is that by ingesting small amounts of pollen from your local environment, you may desensitize your immune system to allergens over time.  Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in foods like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the body, including inflammation caused by allergies. Consider adding these foods to your diet or taking a high-quality omega-3 supplement during allergy season. Quercetin-Rich Foods: Quercetin is a natural compound found in foods like onions, apples, and berries that has been shown to have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Incorporating quercetin-rich foods into your diet can help stabilize mast cells and reduce the release of histamines, alleviating allergy symptoms such as sneezing and itching. 2. Consider Natural Supplements Looking to swap a conventional allergy medication for a low-tox option? Unlike conventional allergy medicines that may have adverse side effects, natural supplements aim to strengthen the immune system and promote overall well-being. Below are some Live Healthillie-approved supplements to help you feel your best during allergy season. Cymbiotika Allergy Defense: Formulated specifically to boost immune function and promote the body’s response to allergens, pollen, mold and parasites, this product is ideal for combating seasonal allergies. Quercetin is a key ingredient in this product and, as mentioned above, is helpful in reducing inflammation. Wooden Spoon Herbs Aller-Ease: This tonic contains seasonally-supportive herbs to promote a balanced immune system, making it a great supplement for allergy season. It comes in liquid form, making it easy to digest.  Cymbiotika Glutathione: Glutathione is an antioxidant naturally produced in your liver that protects the body against free radicals and maintains cellular health. Among other benefits, it also helps mitigate symptoms of environmental allergies. This product comes in individual pouches, making it ideal for when you are on-the-go. 3. Optimize Your Indoor Environment While you may not be able to control the pollen levels outside, you can create a clean and allergen-free environment indoors to significantly reduce the severity of your allergy symptoms. Invest in an Air Purifier: A high-quality air purifier can help remove allergens from the air inside your home. Not only does this provide relief from indoor allergy triggers, but also protects against any outdoor allergens, such as pollen, that you may bring inside. Place the purifier in frequently used rooms to alleviate your home from allergy irritants. Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly dusting, vacuuming, and washing bedding can help reduce allergens. Take a shower in the evening so that you are not bringing pollen or other allergy irritants into your bed with you. 4. Alleviate Stressors  Stress is a trigger for allergy symptoms as it can weaken the immune system and exacerbate inflammation in the body. By incorporating wellness practices into your daily routine, you can reduce stress levels and improve your body's ability to cope with allergens naturally. Engage in Meditation: For centuries, the practice of meditation has been used to reduce stress. Meditation can help calm the mind and promote relaxation, making it a valuable tool for managing stress levels. In turn, the reduced stress can reduce inflammation in the body.  Drink an Adrenal Cocktail: If you are experiencing a lot of stress, consider replenishing your adrenal levels. Combat fatigue from imbalance adrenal glands with Live Healthillie Minerals & Chill, a product made with powerful, yet simple, ingredients to boost energy levels if you are experiencing prologued stress.  5. Stay Hydrated This tip seems simple, but is so crucial. Staying hydrated throughout the day can help thin mucus secretions and keep your nasal passages moist, making it easier to expel allergens. Drink Warm Water: Warm water can have a soothing effect on your body. In particular, drinking warm water can soothe throat irritation that occurs from seasonal allergies. Try Herbal Teas: In addition to drinking water, herbal teas can soothe irritated throats and relieve congestion. Nettle lead tea in particular have been found to alleviate allergy symptoms. Nettle leaf is a natural antihistamine that can help reduce sneezing and itching. Seasonal allergies can be frustrating, but they do not have to derail your plans. By embracing a holistic approach to allergy relief, you can work with your body to address the root causes of your symptoms and support your immune system.  Remember to listen to your body and consult with a health practitioner if you have concerns about underlying health conditions. With dedication and patience, you can navigate this upcoming allergy season with more ease.

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How Often Should I Reapply Sunscreen?

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

How Often Should I Reapply Sunscreen?

Summer is right around the corner. As the days grow longer and you spend more time outside, there is one essential product you should consider using: sunscreen.  Sunscreen can be a vital tool in protecting our skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. However, its effectiveness diminishes over time, necessitating regular reapplication for optimal protection. And while protection from harmful UV rays is a priority, it is equally essential to choose sunscreens with low toxic ingredients.  In this blog post, we explore tips to safeguard your skin effectively and delve into low toxic, yet effective sunscreens. Understanding Sun Exposure Before diving into the need for sunscreen reapplication, it is important to understand the dynamics of sun exposure and its effects on the skin. Sunlight is a vital source of vitamin D, which is critical for our bone health and immune function. However, prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin diseases.  Sunscreen serves as a protective barrier, shielding the skin from these harmful UV rays. But its effectiveness can vary based on how much you are swimming, sweating, or even the tone of your skin. Thus, regular reapplication is crucial to maintain adequate protection throughout the day.  Sunscreen Ingredient Awareness  Not all sunscreen is formulated equally. In recent years, sunscreen ingredients have sparked controversy over their potential health impacts, with several main stream brands recalling their products. Concerns have been raised about certain ingredients found in these sunscreens potentially disrupting hormone function, causing skin irritation or allergic reactions, or being linked with diseases such as cancer.  Avoiding prolonged sun exposure is an option to reduce your risk of harmful effects of the sun. But if you do want to use sunscreen, just without the harmful ingredients, Live Healthillie has you covered. We have a collection of the best sunscreens with simple, effective ingredients. Our mineral sunscreens are formulated with zinc oxide, which sits on the surface of the skin, deflecting the rays of the sun and providing protection against any potential sun damage. Practical Tips for Sunscreen Reapplication If you choose to wear sunscreen, it is necessary to understand how frequently to reapply the product in order for it to be effective. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of a sunscreen indicates the level of protection against UV rays. It is a common misconception that the higher the SPF, the less frequently you should reapply the product. Reapplication frequency depends on a variety of factors including your sun exposure and activity. Typically, you should reapply your sunscreen approximately every two hours if you are in the sun for long periods of time.  To ensure effective sunscreen protection, we have outlined some practical tips for preventing sun damage and sunscreen reapplication: 1. Set Reminders If you are going to spend a long time outside in direct sunlight, use alarms or reminders to prompt sunscreen reapplication every two hours. It can be easy to forget about sunscreen application when you are out and about, but setting reminders will keep you on track.  2. Carry Sunscreen with You Keep a sunscreen bottle in your bag or car, so that you are always prepared to reapply when needed. And do not forget to protect your lips! The Kinfield Liplock SPF 15 Balm is a great product to use SPF for on-the-go.  3. Seek Shade If you are not using sunscreen or if you forget to reapply it, be mindful of your sun exposure. Whenever possible, seek shade during peak sun hours to minimize UV exposure. 4. Cover Up In addition to using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, such as hats and sunglasses can further shield your skin from UV radiation.  5. Soothe Burnt Skin  Spent too much time in the sun? Make sure to hydrate your skin afterwards. We carry the TANIT After Sun, which is a cooling mist that you can use after excessive sun exposure if your skin is feeling dry and irritated. It contains a refreshing combination of aloe, witch hazel, mint, and lavender to soothe and reset dried-out or sunburnt skin. Factors Affecting Sunscreen Effectiveness There are several factors that can affect the effectiveness of sunscreen and determine the need for reapplication. Sunscreen Type: Different sunscreen formulations, such as lotions, sprays, and sticks, may have varying levels of durability. While sunscreen type is a personal preference, often creams and balms are mineral sunscreens, making them the better low tox option. If you are looking for a spray option, Beauty By Earth Sunscreen Spray is a great choice. This mineral spray sunscreen also goes on clear, making it easy to apply. Activities: Activities like sweating, swimming, and towel-drying can diminish sunscreen effectiveness, requiring more frequent reapplication. If you are partaking in activities that may result in the sunscreen wearing off quickly, make sure to remember to reapply more frequently.  Environmental Conditions: You may find yourself sweating off your sunscreen due to humidity and temperature. Especially in warmer climates and in the summer months, do not forget to reapply sunscreen.  Skin Type: Individuals with fair skin or a history of sunburn may require more frequent sunscreen application for effective protection. Be in tune with what your skin needs.  Healthillie Approved Sunscreens At Live Healthillie, we carry a selection of clean sunscreen and after-suncare products without harmful ingredients. Below we have highlighted a few of our favorites: Our TANIT Moisturizing Mineral Sunscreen is a popular choice for clean sunscreen. This formula is very lightweight and water-resistant, making it perfect for outdoor activities. While some mineral sunscreens leave a noticeable whitecast, this product blends easily into the skin. If you are looking to emphasize your skin-kissed skin, Kinfield Sunglow SPF 35 - Luminizing Sunscreen Lotion can help give you a glow. This sunscreen is formulated with a unique shimmering hue, leaving a radiant finish on the skin.  The Kinfield Cloud Cover SPF 35 is a great everyday sunscreen option. The formula is extremely blendable, making it perfect for quick application or for being a base under your makeup.  If you are looking for a mineral-based sunscreen that applies super easily, the Beauty By Earth Sunscreen Spray SPF 30 is for you. The spray bottle makes the zinc oxide transparent when it goes on the skin, making it suitable for any skin type.  The Earth Harbor Eclipse Sheer Mineral Sunscreen is a customer favorite because of its lightweight and blendable formula, which goes on smoothly underneath everyday makeup. This product comes in a 1 fluid ounce bottle, making it a perfect travel sunscreen option. But do not be fooled by the size of the bottle – a little sunscreen goes a long way.  These are just some of our favorites. We have many more amazing, low toxic sunscreens over at LiveHealthillie. Sunscreen reapplication is important for maintaining effective protection against UV radiation and reducing the risk of sunburn, premature aging, and skin diseases. If you are considering using sunscreen, be conscious of the ingredients to make sure that they are low toxic. Choosing sunscreens that are free of benzene and other potentially harmful chemicals not only safeguards your skin, but also protects your overall well-being. By prioritizing sunscreens with safer ingredients like zinc oxide, you can enjoy the sun responsibly, ensuring your skin stays healthy and vibrant all summer long. 

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All About The Adrenal Mocktail

Blogs – by Iliriana Zeneli

All About The Adrenal Mocktail

In honor of my first ever product: Minerals and Chill, I wanted to take some time to make a master FAQ since adrenal mocktails are very popular in niche wellness groups but not so much to the public!  What are the adrenal glands & what is their function?  They are small organs that sit on top of each kidney and are responsible for making different hormones like cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline and noradrenaline. They play an important role with how our bodies react to stress, manage blood sugar, balance electrolytes and even blood pressure!  The adrenal glands are directed by the hypothalamus, a small part of the brain that controls hormones. The glands work in tandem with other endocrine system elements like the kidneys, pituitary gland and sympathetic nervous system to help the body bounce back from stressors, fight off foreign invaders, metabolize food for energy, and reproduce, according to the Cleveland Clinic. So what is Adrenal Fatigue or HPA Axis Dysfunction? Since the adrenal glands help manage our stress response and "fight or flight" - it can become very taxing on the adrenals when we are chronically stressed. If you experience chronic stress for an extended period of time – your body may start to struggle to make the hormones it needs to keep that stress under control. This process also takes up a lot of minerals which can cause depletion. Some common symptoms can look like:  Chronic Fatigue Brain fog Headaches Constant need for caffeine Body aches Trouble Sleeping/ "Wired & Tired" Mood Swings/Irritability Anxiety Cravings for very sweet or very salty foods Light headedness Low blood pressure Digestive issues/ Sluggish Digestion Imbalanced Cortisol Waking Up Exhausted What is the Adrenal Mocktail?  It contains 3 main components that help replenish minerals/nutrients depleted by stress: Vitamin C: During periods of stress, the body's demand for vitamin C may increase. Vitamin C is involved in the production of adrenal hormones, including cortisol, and it may help modulate the body's stress response. Additionally, vitamin C supports the immune system and overall well-being Sodium: In the context of adrenal health, sodium is included in adrenal cocktails to help support electrolyte balance. During periods of stress, there may be changes in fluid balance and electrolyte levels, and adequate sodium intake is important for maintaining hydration and overall physiological function. Potassium: Adequate potassium intake is important for overall health and it may play a role in supporting adrenal function indirectly by helping maintain electrolyte balance. Imbalances in sodium and potassium levels can affect blood pressure and cellular function. You can make this by combining orange juice (or another high vitamin C juice), coconut water or cream of tartar for potassium & sea salt OR you can now use a powdered supplement like Minerals & Chill that's made with real food vitamin c, potassium without the coconut and unrefined sea salt along with magnesium malate which helps with mood and digestion.  Some frequently asked questions about Minerals & Chill: Does it replace an electrolyte? Technically Minerals & Chill contains electrolytes. Electrolytes are considered "macro minerals" which are magnesium, sodium, potassium etc. They are depleted during exercise but also times of stress (physical, emotional, mental) so they play an important role for overall health. The Vitamin C is what really makes this different from a typical electrolyte supplement and more optimal for stress and adrenal support. You can swap out your electrolyte for this or incorporate both but always check with your practitioner when starting new supplements.    Is it pregnancy & breastfeeding safe? Typically yes - always check with your provider before starting new supplements!  Why is the drink pink? Our whole food vitamin C comes from acerola cherries which come in 2 colors, red and yellow. The ones we use are red so it appears pink in our drink. Does it contain caffeine? No. It is completely caffeine free.  When is the best time to take this?  Some people may experience better energy and focus after taking Minerals and Chill while others may not with this being said the recommended way to take it is before 3pm. I recommend testing it out and seeing how you feel!  Is there any sugar? No it is sweetened with monk fruit.    I will be updating this routinely for more questions and answers. 

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Colostrum vs Collagen

Blogs – by Iliriana Zeneli

Colostrum vs Collagen

With so many new trends and supplements coming out, many sounding like they give similar or even exact results, it's important to know the difference between them!  Colostrum and Collagen have both had their moments in the wellness industry but only recently has colostrum become a popular topic and now many are comparing it to collagen. So which is worth it? Do you need both? Or are both a scam? Let's find out. Colostrum is milk that all women make post birth (and sometimes a little before) and it's known as 'liquid gold'. Mammals feed this colostrum to their newborns in order to build their immune system because it is filled with so many nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Because of the essence of my job, I try MANY, if not all trendy supplements on the market to see if they are truly worth the hype. Colostrum has been one of those supplements I thought would be a gimmick but I actually noticed a major improvement in my overall immune and gut health.  Some interesting components of colostrum: - it contains secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA),the most abundant antibody at mucosal surfaces in the respiratory and GI tract - antiviral and antibacterial - intercepts allergens and toxins - has been found to inhibit influenza and rotaviruses, and neutralize toxins from bacteria like C. difficile and E. Coli - plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis of the helpful gut bacteria (microbiome). - contains IgG which can recognize and bind to specific, harmful particles like viruses and bacteria to block them from crossing the barrier.  - contains growth factors like Colostral IGF-1 which increases lean muscle tissue and when used during exercise, switches cellular fuel from sugar to fat, increasing the body’s fat burning capacity. And that just scratches the surface. This really is an incredible superfood.  Now to chat a bit about collagen! Now there is a debate on what the best way to get collagen in the most effective way and that is taking collagen OR taking vitamin C which is a precursor to creating collagen in the body. (I personally take both since vitamin c is a powerhouse as is but I can do a separate blog on that)  There are two types of collagen people take: Marine and Bovine. I personally love marine collagen because it is lower in histamine but either are fine. Collagen is a type of protein that our body naturally makes less of as we age. There are over 20 types of collagen but 90% of our body is Type 1 collagen!  The common benefits of supplementing collagen are: - improved skin hydration, elasticity and wrinkles - reduced symptoms related to osteoarthritis, including stiffness - increase in bone density - provides moisture to the skin and scalp, strengthens the hair follicle, accelerates healing, and nourishes the hair bulb - may reduce hair loss or thinning and may prevent graying, often related to the antioxidant benefits - improve the overall appearance of the hair Now you might be thinking, why are people comparing the two when the benefits seem so different? It is because 1. marketing and 2. many people who are taking colostrum are also reporting an improvement in their hair and skin health.  What some people may not realize is poor gut health has been linked to many issues including poor hair, skin and nail health. So when your gut is struggling due to artificial additives, stress or antibiotics use etc, this can result in leaky gut and the inability to properly absorb nutrients. When we cant properly absorb nutrients, our hair, skin and nails will struggle because they are usually the last on the totem pole to receive nutrients in our bodies.  Taking colostrum which has been shown to improve gut health - which can improve immune health - can also inadvertently result in also better hair, skin and nail health. I personally take both a collagen supplement and colostrum to get the benefits of both.  I love our Cowboy Colostrum brand that comes in unflavored and vanilla.  I personally take our Agent Nateur Collagen because it also has pearl powder:  Pearl powder is the richest source of calcium on the planet. When ingested, this oceanic adaptogen stimulates the appearance of collagen production and regeneration for youthful, clear skin and healthy hair and nails. Its high magnesium content elevates the appearance of GABA levels to lessen the look of oxidative stress that leads to premature aging and boosts the mood. Check out the site to see what what works for you! 

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Embracing the Power of a Morning Skincare Routine

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

Embracing the Power of a Morning Skincare Routine

Mornings can often feel like a race against the clock. We find ourselves trying to prepare for the day – coordinating upcoming tasks, making breakfast, meeting deadlines, and scrambling to check things off our to-do lists. In addition, our cortisol, also known as our body’s stress hormone, is typically higher in the mornings. This hormone can make morning tasks feel more urgent or stressful.  You know that at Live Healthillie, we are all about balance, which can be found in our everyday habits and routines. If your mornings feel chaotic at times, then you have the opportunity to create a routine that benefits you. Part of that routine may include tending to your skincare. Creating a morning skincare routine is an excellent way to take a moment for yourself in the early hours of the day, and set the tone for what is ahead. A morning skincare routine is not just about going through the motions — it is about being mindful and starting your day by focusing on your well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of a morning skincare routine and the role that choosing the right products plays in enhancing its effectiveness to create the best morning skincare routine for you. The Importance of Morning Skincare  Your morning routine can set the stage for the rest of your day. A structured morning routine provides a sense of stability and peace, reducing the sense of stress that your body may feel. By establishing consistent rituals, you create a sense of rhythm and familiarity throughout your morning that can reduce stress in the body.  A morning skincare routine allows you to be present and spend time to focus on yourself before taking on the rest of your day. Your morning skincare routine is the first step in protecting your skin from external environmental stressors, hydrating it after a night's rest, and preparing it for whatever lies ahead. A well-established morning skincare routine can help you start the day feeling refreshed and confident. Identifying Low-Toxic Skincare Products If you are reading this, you are probably interested in low-toxic alternatives to some of your favorite skincare products. It is no secret that throughout the skincare industry, you will find products containing potentially harmful chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances. These ingredients not only irritate the skin, but also potentially disrupt the body’s natural hormone function and contribute to long-term health issues.  Choosing low-toxic products involves carefully reading labels and being mindful of the active ingredients they contain. Look for products that prioritize simple ingredients, free from harsh chemicals and unnecessary additives.  Essential Steps in a Morning Skincare Routine If you would like to cultivate a morning skincare routine with low toxic products, we have created a simple step-by-step routine below:  1. Cleanse Your Face Begin your morning skincare routine by cleansing your face with a gentle, low-toxic cleanser. Washing your face in the morning helps remove impurities that have accumulated overnight, leaving your skin feeling clean and refreshed. Cleansing your face also helps prepare your skin for the application of other skincare products or makeup. Opt for cleansers with gentle formulations and simple ingredients so as to not strip the skin of its natural oils. We love using our Agent Nateur Lactic Acid Skin Brightening Cleanser in the morning because the brightening properties in this daily cleanser may promote a radiant complexion. This product is infused with high quality, organic ingredients that brighten the appearance of skin, refine texture, and smooth signs of aging, making it a great option for a morning cleanser. 2. Use Face Toner After cleansing, apply a toner to help balance the skin's pH levels and minimize the look of pores. Toners can also have a soothing effect on the skin, which makes this product a good addition to your morning skincare routine if you wake up with puffy or irritated skin. The Jack Henry Face Toner, formulated with organic witch hazel as a key ingredient, is a solid option to brighten and balance your skin. This product is designed to help reduce inflammation and ease irritation. More importantly, it is an alcohol-free face toner, meaning it will not dry out your skin.  3. Incorporate Serums  Target specific skincare concerns, such as dehydration or dullness, by using a serum in the morning. Serums can deliver potent active ingredients to your skin and provide added hydration. The key to using a serum in the morning is to make sure it is lightweight and absorbs into the skin effectively so that you can go about your day or apply makeup on top of it. Our Luna Nectar Neptune Hydrate and Blur Serum is a good low tox choice for a morning serum. The hyaluronic acid creates a protective barrier and smoothing effect on the skin. This ingredient also helps plump and hydrate your skin, which can offset any skin dehydration that naturally occurred overnight.  4. Moisturize Your Skin Hydration is key to maintaining healthy, glowy skin. For your morning skincare routine, select a lightweight face lotion that replenishes moisture levels without causing the skin to look or feel greasy. A lightweight formula also allows for smoother application of makeup.  If you are looking for an effective morning moisturizer with clean ingredients, the UpCircle Face Moisturizer is a favorite. Formulated with Vitamin E, this face moisturizer easily absorbs into the skin, leaving your face feeling nourished and brightened.  5. Protect From the Sun Sun exposure first thing in the morning can be beneficial to our circadian rhythm. However, if you are looking to protect your skin against the sun’s UV rays throughout the day, then apply sunscreen in the morning. For a cleaner option, choose a mineral-based sunscreen, like the Kinfield Cloud Cover which contains 100% mineral non-nano zinc. This product offers effective protection without the use of potentially harmful chemicals. It also does not leave a white cast on the skin, making it ideal for morning application.  Benefits of a Low-Toxic Morning Skincare Routine Embracing a morning skincare routine centered around low-toxic products offers numerous benefits for both your skin and overall well-being, including contributing to a healthier lifestyle. A morning skincare routine is more than just a series of tasks — it can be a way to slow down and promote self-care at the start of your day. You know your skin best, so you may not need every step we listed in your routine. By embracing mindfulness and choosing the right skincare products, you can create a morning routine that starts your day off with the right tone.

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How To Treat Dry Hair Naturally

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

How To Treat Dry Hair Naturally

Dry hair, damaged hair can be frustrating to deal with. However, with some simple product swaps and the right routine, you can restore moisture and vitality to your hair.  If you are reading this blog post, you probably already have an interest in natural or holistic alternatives to hair products. Choosing natural hair products may be daunting; it can be difficult to know whether the ingredients are low toxic or if they will work well with your hair type. Luckily, at Live Healthillie, we carry many different hair care products with clean ingredients to choose from that actually work for a variety of hair needs. In this post, we will explore the causes of dry hair, as well as potential treatments to help you achieve healthy, luscious locks naturally.  Common Causes of Dry Hair Dry hair can stem from various factors, including environmental elements, lifestyle choices, and hair care practices. Poor nutrition can contribute to dry hair by depriving the hair follicles of essential nutrients and hydration. External factors such as overwashing, excessive heat usage, or chemical treatments may strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness, breakage, and frizz.  Using hair products with clean, low tox ingredients can help you maintain your hair health and prevent future dryness. Why Choose Low Tox Hair Ingredients? Hair care can be very personal, so why opt for natural, low tox products? Hair products with clean ingredients minimize your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals that may have adverse effects on your health. High quality, clean ingredients in hair products are often derived from natural sources and are more gentle on your hair and scalp, reducing the risk of irritation, allergic reactions, or even headaches.  Remember to look at the ingredient labels of your products. Many traditional shampoos and conditioners contain endocrine disrupting ingredients such as phthalates, parabens, and certain fragrances which can interfere with your body’s hormonal system and regulation. By choosing low tox hair products, you can minimize your exposure to certain chemicals and toxins.  Tips to Fix Dry Hair Naturally  It is no secret that having healthy hair is not just about using the right products; having healthy hair requires a balanced approach to hair care that considers both internal and external factors. From nourishing your body to using natural ingredients, keep reading below to find out how you can treat and prevent dry hair naturally. 1. Hydrate From Within The health of your hair is often a reflection of your overall well being. Eating a balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, is crucial for promoting hair growth and strength. Include real, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to provide your hair follicles with the nutrients they need to thrive. Proper hydration and balanced nutrition is the ultimate natural dry hair remedy. Just as your body needs water to stay hydrated, your hair also requires moisture to remain soft and healthy.  If you are looking to supplement your diet, we love our Cowboy Colostrum which has simple, but powerful ingredients. This product is rich in bioactive ingredients like immunoglobulins and natural growth hormones for hair health (and also support immunity, gut health, and skin!).  2. Maintain a Gentle Shampooing Routine Harsh shampoos and overwashing can strip your hair over time, leading to dryness and damage. The best shampoo for dry hair is one that is moisturizing and free of harsh chemicals. Avoid shampoos that have silicones, as this ingredient can seal moisture out of the hair shaft, ultimately leading to dryness. Depending on your hair type, you may want to try limiting shampooing to no more than a couple times per week, as excessive washing can further dry out your hair.  Our silicone-free Innersense Hydrating Cream Hairbath is great for restoring the hair follicle, leaving hair bouncy and healthy. Formulated with raw shea butter and avocado, sage, monoi and tamanu oils, this shampoo is the perfect gentle, yet effective clean hair hydration solution.  3. Prime Your Hair Using a heat protectant spray forms a barrier between your hair and heat styling tools such as flat irons, curling wands, and blow dryers. This barrier helps minimize the damage caused by the heat, which can otherwise lead to hair dryness or split ends.  Consider taking a break from heat styling tools if you can. Otherwise, the Innersense Hair Love Prep Spray is a great option for a hair protection spray with high quality, clean ingredients. Rich in Vitamin B and rice protein, this spay restores strength and shine while protecting your hair during styling. 4. Stimulate Your Scalp  Scalp stimulation, such as gentle massaging or brushing, can offer many benefits to both your scalp and hair health. Using a tool like the Kitsch Shampoo Brush and Scalp Exfoliator, may improve circulation and increase blood flow to your hair follicles, encouraging healthy hair growth. In addition, stimulating your scalp reduces product build up, allowing hydrating products to actually penetrate your hair. If you are looking to take your hair hydration to the next level, consider using a hair oil for dry hair like the one from Bur Bur. Hair oiling is a great step to incorporate into your low tox hair care routine before massaging your scalp. Leave the hair oil on for the recommended time, allowing your hair to absorb all the nourishing benefits. This weekly treatment visibly strengthens hair, adds shine, and supports healthy hair growth.  5. Switch Your Shower Head    If you are still experiencing hair dryness despite eating well and using the right products, you may want to upgrade your shower head. Chlorine, heavy metals, and other water contaminants may be the culprits of your brittle hair. Filtered shower heads remove these impurities, leaving you with clean, healthy hair. As a bonus, a filtered shower head may also help reduce irritation on your skin and scalp.  Remember, just because dry hair is “common,” does not necessarily mean that it is “normal.” Reflect on your daily habits and routines to figure out what may be at the root cause of your hair dryness. To prevent dry hair naturally, it is helpful to maintain a balanced diet and use hair products with clean, low tox ingredients. For more serious hair-related concerns, work with your dermatologist or healthcare professional. 

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Clean Travel: The Low-Toxic Packing List for Your Upcoming Trip

Blogs – by Alex Aviza

Clean Travel: The Low-Toxic Packing List for Your Upcoming Trip

Spring break and summer vacation are on the horizon. As you prepare for any upcoming trips, one of the most important tasks is deciding which products to bring along on your adventures. Packing the right low-toxic products can help streamline your travel experience and ensure you have everything you need while you are on-the-go. We put together a list of a few of our favorite low-toxic travel essential products to bring with you on your next trip. Whether you are jet-setting across the country or embarking on a weekend getaway, packing low-toxic essentials with clean ingredients will have you feeling your best while traveling.  Why Choose Low-Toxic Products for Travel? Traditional products often contain harmful chemicals, endocrine-disrupting ingredients (chemicals that may block, mimic, or interfere with the body's hormones) that can compromise your health. By choosing low-toxic alternatives, such as those found on our website, you reduce your amount of exposure to harmful substances and minimize your risk of possible such as skin irritation or potential long-term illnesses. As a bonus, many low-toxic products are biodegradable, cruelty-free, and ethically sourced. Essential Low-Toxic Packing List  On the hunt for low-toxic products for travel? We have compiled a list of some of our favorite low-toxic travel products to make the process easier for you.  1. Sunscreen Even if you are not traveling somewhere tropical on your vacation, it is a good idea to pack sunscreen. Protecting your skin from harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays is essential, especially when spending time outside. While being outside in the sun does have health benefits, such as a valuable dose of Vitamin D, excessive sun exposure can be harmful. The most common concerns about skin damage include sunburn, signs of premature aging, and skin cancer. Applying sunscreen can help mitigate the negative effects of the sun on the skin. However, many conventional sunscreens on the market often contain endocrine-disrupting ingredients. If you are looking for a non-toxic sunscreen option, it is important to choose a mineral-based sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the main active ingredients. Mineral sunscreens do not absorb into your skin like conventional sunscreens do. Rather, the ingredients sit on top of your skin, acting as a shield against the sun. Formulated with 100% mineral non-nano zinc, our Kinfield Cloud Cover is a great low-toxic sunscreen option for travel. Its water-resistant, lightweight formula applies easily, does not leave a whitecast, and is reef safe.  You know your skin the best. If you feel like your skin is sensitive to prolonged sun exposure, stay mindful of your time outside and take breaks by moving to the share or going inside.  2. Natural Insect Repellent Pesky insects can put a damper on outdoor excursions. Instead of using insect repellents with harsh ingredients, there are natural, low-toxic bug repellants to choose from. If you are trying to use low-toxic products, look for ingredients that list essential oils like citronella, lemongrass, and lavender. In particular, citronella is a potent insect repellent, warding off all kinds of bugs, especially mosquitoes. We love using our Kinfield Golden Hour Wipes to keep bugs at bay. Their clean formula repels mosquitos with a unique strain of Indonesian citronella. These bio-degradable wipes effectively ward off bugs without exposing you to harmful toxins, making them ideal low-tox on-the-go companions for hikes, beach days, and camping trips.  If you are looking for additional relief from bug bites, our Kinfield Bug Bite Relief Patches may be able to help. These easy-to-apply hydrocolloid patches are made with powerful, natural plant-based ingredients. They come in multiple sizes and are also waterproof, making them an ideal low-toxic travel product. 3. Refreshing Wet Wipes Wet wipes are versatile travel companions for freshening up on-the-go. Biodegradable wipes made from sustainable materials like bamboo or organic cotton are good eco-friendly options that break down naturally, reducing environmental impact and leaving you feeling refreshed wherever your travels take you.  Wet wipes are multi-purpose, making them ideal when traveling. Common uses for the wipes are to relieve and soothe irritated skin, moisturize the face and body, act as a natural deodorant when applied to your under arms, and even act as a makeup remover.  We turn to our Conscious Coconut Organic Coconut Oil Wipes to moisturize and refresh skin while traveling. The only ingredient in this product is 100% Organic Fair Trade Certified™ Virgin Hand-Pressed Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil is full of antioxidants and Vitamin E, which both work to  deliver nutrients to the body and calm the skin when applied topically. 4. Travel-Size Hair Products  There is no need to sacrifice good hair while traveling. If you are looking for hair products with clean ingredients, then avoid sulfates, parabens, and phthalates, which can strip your hair of natural oils and potentially cause irritation.  If you are looking for low-toxic hair products while traveling, we recommend the Yarok Styling Travel Essentials. This kit includes TSA size-friendly products like Feed Your Hold Hairspray, Feed Your Ends Leave-in Conditioner and Feed Your Roots Mousse to help you look (and feel) your best. 5. Car Freshener  If you are going to be in your car for a long period of time, you may want to use a car freshener to mask any unpleasant odors.  The Grow Fragrance Car Freshener is an excellent choice for your road trip. This product is formulated with certified 100% plant-based ingredients and none of the harmful chemicals found in traditional petroleum-based products. Pro-tip: This product can also be placed inside your luggage when traveling, leaving your clothes smelling good without compromising on ingredients.  Lox-Tox, Low Stress When traveling, you will often be exposed to various different toxins in an unfamiliar environment. However, try not to stress about the things you cannot control, like your external surroundings. Rather, do your best to focus on making the best choices you can. If you want to have a healthier, low-toxic lifestyle, you can opt for travel products with clean ingredients. Enjoy your vacation and remember, life is all about balance. 

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Blogs – by Iliriana Zeneli


IS THIS BECOMING MY NEW THING? BECAUSE I AM HERE FOR IT!  After ditching alcohol a couple years ago I don't touch a lot of the 'alternatives' until really holiday season. I love making my own mocktails but now with so many brands coming out it's hard to keep up with what's actually GOOD. I've tried a bunch this year and wanted to share yet again, some of my favorites.  HERE'S THE LIST: 1. De Soi is still one of my favorite brands for a wine or champagne alternative. I also like that it gives a slight buzz. They make full bottles and also mini cans!  2. Surely is a true wine alternative. It's wine with the alchohol removed so if you miss the taste of wine or like the vibe, this is great and also comes in bottles or cans.  3. For Bitter or Worse is a unique brand with rich ingredients and flavor. Come in cans and beautiful bottles for gifting.  4. Amass makes botanical alternatives to drinks like Gin but they also make ones with alcohol so just be clear on which one you're getting!  5. Optimist Drinks honestly need to be every fancy juice drinkers bar cart. They look amazing, great ingredients and great for any mixologist.  6. If you know, Kin Euphorics will definitely be a favorite of mine, I just love the feeling I get from LightWave when I want to have fun but their other flavors are delicious and you can now find them at Sprouts! 7. For the non-beer drinkers who miss beer, gotta bring Athletic Brewing Co. into the mix. They really did an amazing job with making a better alternative.  8. If you don't want wine, beer, or any type of alcohol, then you just need to sit back with an Olipop. They're so easy to find now and they're great for any party or gathering. I dont even offer typical sodas in my house anymore.  9. My favorite mixer made with all real fruit juice and makes the PERFECT addition to any mocktail is definitely Spindrift.  10. These I recently saw at Sprouts and grabbed a couple and they're great as a stand alone or to mix for friends who still prefer alcohol. With + Co is so delicious and very cute to look at.  11. Another wine alternative that is becoming a hot commodity is NON wine. They have alternatives from white to red.  12. Apothekary is one of the coolest brands I've seen so far. They're little tinctures you can add to ANY drink or alone to kick it up a notch and give you that "alcohol" feel. They sell the cutest little set too which is great for stocking stuffers.  13. If you've been around my favorite Arizona Iced Tea Dupe has been DrinkHalfDay sometimes you just want an iced tea without 30g of sugar, ya know? 14. I dont mean to save the best for last but I recently tried these Curious Elixirs and OMG the best mocktails I've probably ever had. I literally would not believe you if you said it was alcohol free. They are so complex like a true cocktail. Worth every penny.  If you want some great mocktail and other drink recipes definitely follow my girl Holistic Rendevous on Instagram.  Cheers to 2023! 

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